Friday 25 April 2008


If you use this Research Guide in training


  • Distribute handouts (including this Research Guide) to trainees one or several days before your presentation, or distribute them at the end of the presentation.
  • Do not distribute handouts at the beginning of a presentation, otherwise trainees will read instead of listening to you.
  • Ask trainees not to take notes, but to pay full attention to the training activity. Assure them that your handouts (and this Research Guide) contain all relevant information.
  • Keep your training activities practical. Reduce theory to the minimum that is necessary to understand the practical exercises.
  • Use the questions on page 4 (or a selection of questions) for examinations (quizzes, periodical tests, and so on). Allow consultation of handouts and books during examinations.
  • Promote interaction of trainees. Allow questions, but do not deviate from the subject.
  • Respect the time allotted.

  • Specifically

  • Discuss with trainees about experiences and problems of agronomic managament of cassava (10 minutes).
  • Present and discuss the content of this Research Guide, using the study materials listed on page 3 (45 minutes).
  • Have plant and tuber samples, stem cuttings, weed specimens, herbicides, and so on available for each trainee.
  • You may photocopy the illustrations and tables of the Research Guide on transparencies for projection with an overhead projector.
  • Conduct the practicals suggested on page 3 in groups of 3-4 trainees per group (2 hours). Make sure that each trainee has the opportunity to practice. Have resource persons available for each group and practical.
  • Organize your practicals and demonstrations well. Keep trainees busy. Prevent trainees from scattering around the field.
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